Panda is a cute girl.
She loves her toys - feathers, do you have feathers at your house? Panda requests lots of toys with feathers - you'll need to replace the feathers!
She loves her laps - do you have a lap that needs something warm in it? Panda will watch whatever you want to watch on tv or snooze with you when you take a nap on the couch.
She loves her catnip - do you have a steady supply? Maybe you could grow some in the yard and dry it for over the winter? Fresh, dry - it's the best.
She loves her food - and, yes, you will need to measure how much she gets. Canned food is a special love and she waits by her dish thinking you will n-e-v-e-r remember. But, you will, of course.
She loves her wood scratching post - no couch or chair scratching as long as she has her wood post.
She loves her paws clean and everything tidy in the litterbox - a tall sided, probably covered litterbox is ideal. She likes to scrub and scrub at the sides to make sure everything is covered and there is no litter on her feet.