Friday, December 18, 2009

Cat Adoption, 12/19, 11-1 p.m.

We'll be at the PetCo in Richfield this Sat. from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Looking for a black cat to adopt? Their sleek and shiny coats look great next to holiday decorations! Every color goes with black -

Black cats we have:

Duke and Denny


Silas - a boy who loves to hug his family members.

Sirocco - after a long spring and summer having a litter or two outside she has given up motherhood and is enjoying life as a cat with energy to play!

And to throw in some other colors:

Kati - playful and full of energy.




AND others, of course!

Considering adopting a family pet now? We would be happy to hold the cat in our foster homes until your company leaves or you get done traveling to relatives homes.

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