Monday, June 21, 2010

Wendy, an update

Some followers of the blog have been wondering how Wendy is coming along. She is a small, classic brown tabby that came to Pet Haven in March 2010 from a hoarder's house. She was at least 6 months old and weighed only 2# at the time. One eye had ruptured from a herpes infection and the other had the third eyelid glued to the cornea so she had just an upper corner of the eye to receive light and be able to see out of.

She did not know what a litterbox was for.

Wendy has made great strides, graduating from a small cage with litterboxes that virtually covered the floor of the cage to a bathroom to a large 4 season porch and now to a two story home. She knows where the litterboxes are in her foster home are and she uses them.

She finds friends to play with - cats and people, loves to snuggle and chew on you too, plays by herself and with toys. She enjoys the 2 dogs who come for day-care most days.

She has had the ruptured eye removed and is much more easy-going and active since that happened. Her energy level has increased dramatically. She jumps up on the couch to get in your lap in one big leap - kind of like a kangaroo.

In the same surgery the third eyelid was peeled off the other eye and scar tissue removed.

She continues to visit the opthamologist. During recovery she needed to be off her steroid eye ointment for 2 weeks to heal an ulcer but has been back on it for two weeks and, after today's appointment will go back for another recheck in 3 weeks.

She has more scaring but the blood vessels in the eye are shrinking and subsiding now that she has been back on this ointment. She still sees, we hope that it will improve some more but she is enjoying her life now and is full of kitten fun.

Wendy's vet care has been expensive. If you are able to make a donation to Pet Haven to help in the extraordinary care we do for dogs and cats we would be grateful. They can be mailed to:

Pet Haven Inc. of MN
PO Box 19105
Minneapolis MN 55419

Small amounts add up. You can always designate a donation to the general budget, for spay and neuter, for extraordinary care. We are a 501.3 (c) and you will receive acknowledgment of your donation.

At about 9 months of age, Wendy now weighs in at 4.5 pounds - she's a tiny girl who has had her life change in so many ways in just a few months - because of people like you, who take one small or medium or large step to help.

Wendy thanks you!

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