In the last month we have adopted Kelly, Fran, Flame and Flicker, Peter and Remi.
Remi went home this weekend with an older couple with a gentleman who spends more time at home and he was looking for a buddy when his wife goes out. We think she'll fill that request nicely. Remi came to us from Red Lake Rosies.
Kelly was the last of her litter of 4 to be adopted. She, her 3 siblings and mom came to us March 2008 with the kittens just a few weeks old - all were black. All 5 have found homes now!
Flame and Flicker came to us early this year with two brothers. They were born in mid Dec. 2008 and were rescued from an outbuilding after their mother was struck and killed on a road. They've all found homes too.

We've lots of cats still looking for homes, too.
Sawyer is a manx, flame point siamese cross. He and his brother, Shelby, will be neutered tomorrow and be ready for adoption a few days later. Sawyer is a manx (just a stub of a tail) and is on a medication to draw more water into his stools so they stay soft. It is inexpensive, is given to him 2 times a day. When he came to us as a tiny little boy at just one pound, he was having trouble getting his stools out. This medication has worked well for him and your vet can prescribe it. He may not have to be on it forever but that should be worked out with your vet.
Sawyer is the cuddlier of the two but Shelby, an orange tabby, is enjoying more people attention too. They are very busy kittens and love to play games with you and another cat or kitten.
Some others we have who would like to go together but who do not have to are:
Alex and Amanda; Blake and Milhouse who are not related but who are best buddies; Fudge and Moose who are also not related.
Riley, Elsie and others would love to be an only cat.
Koko came to the adoption in her new green collar to show how beautiful she is and she is available.

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