Summer is a very hard time for cats and also for the folks who give so much of their time, lives and homes to rescue them.
Foster homes are always needed. Perhaps you are not at a time in your life when you can commit 10-20 years to love a cat but you could give 6 months to a year or two to help one or more.
If you begin fostering for Pet Haven, these are some things we will provide for you:
A cat that has been in another foster home so we know what it is like.
A cat that has been tested for feline leukemia and fiv and is negative, is up to date on vaccinations, has been spayed or neutered, has been dewormed several times and treated for fleas and/or earmites and has been microchipped.
Supplies which include a litterbox, litter, food, a cat carrier and even a few toys.
A cat!
Pet Haven volunteers will choose the cat you will foster. Sometimes we have one that would absolutely love to be an only cat and so has to be separated in a foster home so it doesn't get as much attention as we would like. If you have a cat, we would give you one that we know gets along after the usual introductions.
What do we ask of you?
To take care of the cat, keep it safe from harm, play with it and enjoy it!
To bring it to adoption events, at least one a month in the summer and two a month most other times of the year. Everyone is busy, sometimes you will miss but we want you there with the cat to advocate for it!
A room to set aside for the cat until it is introduced into your home. Sometimes introductions happen quickly but sometimes it is easier for the cat to get to know you and vice versa if it has a smaller space to explore initially.
Support! An experienced foster to stand behind you and answer questions as you begin to foster and get to know your new friend. Pet Haven continues to pay any medical bills if something should arise. That is done at a vet clinic that Pet Haven works with.
To commit to fostering for at least 6 months so the cat has some stability in his/her life.
Why wouldn't you want to foster?
Are you afraid of falling in love?
Fosters do adopt their foster cat but you will enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that if you help it find a forever home, one more cat can come in off the streets or out of a pound.
You'll meet other volunteers who are friendly and who will share experiences they have had while fostering.
Because you chose to foster, an experienced foster home will get another cat fresh from the unknown - a wonderful thing for a homeless cat.
You will learn more about Pet Haven, animal rescue and the problems and joys we deal with every day.
We hope you'll consider it!
So do other cats like these:

Give it a try - you'll make a world of difference in the life of a cat, one cat at a time. Want to help in other ways? Check out the website and submit a volunteer application.
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