Whether you're brand new, or have been volunteering with us for a while, this orientation is a great way to find out more about Pet Haven and ways to get involved!
UC San Diego lists the following 10 ten reasons to volunteer:
#10 - It's good for you
#9 - It saves resources and provides a valuable community resource
#8 - Volunteers gain valuable experience
#7 - It brings people together
#6 - It promotes growth and self-esteem
#5 - Volunteers strengthen our community
#4 - You learn a lot
#3 - You get a chance to give back
#2 - Volunteering encourages civic responsibility
#1 - You make a difference ...
[Source: UC San Diego Community Service site]
At Pet Haven, we have the following to add to the list .....
- It's fun!
-We are a community with a shared passion for helping homeless dogs and cats
- We will provide you with opportunities to develop your leadership skills
- Even if you can't foster (although we would of course love it if you could!), we need foster buddies, help with transportation ... and need help in areas of fundraising, marketing, special events, administrative work, photography, writers, graphic design, phone work, advocacy, outreach/humane education, volunteer management, communication, and the list goes on!!
- If you are looking to enhance your resume, volunteering is a great way to make your resume stand out [check out the Pioneer Press article this past Sunday on "Volunteer Work just might set your resume apart"]
Our volunteer guiding principles are based on the 5C':
- Community
- Compassion
- Collaboration
- Creativity
- Communication
If you're already involved with Pet Haven but have never gone through an orientation .... this is a great way to learn more about other volunteer opportunities. If you're new to Pet Haven, come learn more about Pet Haven ... our vision, our mission, our philosophies, our approach, where are animals come from, upcoming events, the animal welfare landscape in Minnesota, the importance of spay/neuter ... and of course, how to get involved and start making a difference!
Email our volunteer director Jen at volunteer@pethavenmn.org to register for the session on Saturday!
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