Historically Pet Haven cats has found that July is not always a kind month for adoptions - folks are on vacation, they play softball, they are going to family reunions.
We are excited and pleased that this July has been different for us! So far this month we have placed 9 cats and kittens with 3 or 4 more recently adopted.
This is Bo, who didn't make it to the website before being adopted.
Some were seen on the website and adopted through a contact with the foster home, some seen on the blog, some seen and adopted after being seen at the Chuck and Don's in Highland, a couple of others were adopted after they found their first cat through Pet Haven and came looking for another one.
Bo, Kobe, Midge, Buster, Ty, Noddy and Shelby are all doing well in their new homes. 3 others were just recently adopted so we haven't had that long to hear back about how things are going.
This is all good news. Pet Haven had the potential for 16 kittens to be ready for adoption by the 2nd week in July. That's a lot of kittens who could be growing up in foster homes and we are excited that their owners will now get to enjoy their antics.
The other piece of good news is that we have been able to take in a few more kittens and cats because of their adoptions. The bad news is that there are still so many waiting in impound, shelters and on the street.
Just yesterday, someone called who has had a stray, neutered male cat in their neighborhood for 12 years they believe. Last winter was very hard for him. Someone needs to step forward and help this fellow - hopefully he will survive his many trips crossing streets with cars coming this summer and we or another group or person will step up and take him in. The right spot has not opened yet at Pet Haven.
Please keep spreading the word to friends, family and co-workers about how many cats need homes and that Pet Haven's foster home system has lots to recommend in the way of helping you find the personality and activity level that you and your family want.